
A note from Craig & Mary

The Twelve is a place of miracles; from the people we serve to our great staff, volunteers, and partners.

More and more people are finding themselves in difficult places and the reasons are many. By the time someone gets to The Twelve, some serious events have occurred and they find themselves isolated from the life they knew, or seeking a new one. The common link is the feeling of being alone and unloved and not connected to anything. But here is the truth, when things look really bad the end of that struggle is much closer than anyone realizes. Sometimes it just takes a few guided steps to get things in motion. Our team is focused on spending quality time, day after day, getting to know people, building personal connections, so they can assist them with opportunities to rebuild their lives, regardless of their background.

We believe that creating an environment that is warm and welcoming is the answer, one that gives a feeling that is better than the high from drugs or alcohol. A place where caring staff get to know someone day after day. At The Twelve we are focused on “use reduction” for anything that takes a person’s life off track. Becoming busy with things you are meant to do and seeing a future that is turning positive is how this path begins.

At The Twelve we address the basic needs of a person first, like personal and medical care. We have channels to excellent treatment and support options, and remain connected to a person to welcome them back, possibly to our residential living model. Each person has a different timeline, but it is the forward progress that matters.

Our goal is to build a community that is a safe place full of love towards all who enter. You, our volunteers and supporters, make these things happen. You have an open invitation to come see us in action.

God’s Peace and blessings to each of you!
– 1269 Cafe Ministries

Get ready for 18 for the Twelve!

Save the date - Monday, June 16th for our annual golf event!

18 for the Twelve Golf Tournament

Hosted at the amazing Stonebridge Country Club in Goffstown, NH

Our 5th annual golf event is truly a wonderful, fun opportunity to show your support on and off the course.

Sponsorship opportunities and registration opening soon!

Support the 12

You can help your neighbors in many different ways

How We Work

Introducing our "step up" approach:

The Next Step

We Need Your Help!

Love Thy Neighbor

This is not about finding a better place in the system for our homeless, but to see a person out of the system completely and to a better life.

Learn about the 12

Presented at Shiloh Community Church August 23, 2020

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